Below is my response to Wilson Mading Koc , This guy is from Twi east of Jonglei State and I don’t understand why he ingenuously generalized the innocent citizen of Gogrial State. I will not dispute all you clearly revealed, but instruct you to stop your generalization of people of Gogrial or any group in South Sudan, you can say their names when you’re sure to be heard loud. I'm really flabbergasted that future leaders of this beautiful nation wanted to destroy their names struggling for today, and forget what come tomorrow. So, don’t just create a box and irreproachably put people in, be careful. Firstly, our generation is so much cursed and consecrated/blessed at the same time, the war started when some of us still at young age, grew up in war and got lucky to travelled far places as we both know. We had time to walk together, agonized in groups and learn to speak foreign languages; we didn’t hate each other that much. Mading koc, This is what you wrote, a ...