My response to Thiik Mou, I read your article with attentiveness and to understand what drive you airing this wonderful information to South Sudanese discussants using the worldwide Technology realistically. I personally appreciated your great insightful knowledge of our own problems that will take years before we eradicate them out. South Sudanese tribes did struggled and contributed equally; Jieng participation is tantamount to the contributions made by other sixty three tribes. We liberated this land jointly and if anyone deny it, then you’re an enemy to our people. If I pay tribute to Jieng people because it happens I belong to Jieng and pay no attention to other tribes, that’s the mother of tribalism in this case. If Jieng joined the SPLA in their huge number, this is because they are the largest tribes in South Sudan, but still other tribes have room in the struggle. For Jieng to be exceptionally smart and work with other South Sudanese, we need to speak lan...